It’s time to say Goodbye to 2019 and Welcome in 2020

 2019 was a very average year for me, but not in the way you might think. You see, the term "average" has a negative connotation, and if I had to sum up this year, I'd say it was hectic, but certainly not negative. As the year came to an end, I was pointing the direction I had to move forward in order to sustain the days ahead.
Many of this year's highlights for me: 
  • Changed roles 
  • Promoted from Manager to Businessman.
  • Looked for switching careers, so I decided to devote most of my energy to starting a new life in Digital Marketing 
  • Changed job roles
  • Traveled non-stop across Canada for work and pleasure.
  • My house has been renovated and purchased new furniture  
All these things are back-to-back and this website took a seat back to life before my mind was grappled with a thought to rekindle and start with a bang.
If you've been (thank you) a loyal follower of this blog, you've seen the falling off in writing. I'm not going to apologize because I realize that you don't really give a damn in the grand scheme of things.

I was just about to start a new blog that would pose its own challenges. This was tough to swallow, however due to the lack of publicity there is an explanation. At a very unexpected time, my current job arrived and it came quickly. Why quickly? Access to the job offer and start date in one month.

The position I got was punching well above the job I was at — jumping about four levels to throw another wrench into the equation.

Am I happy with that?

I don't believe I was happy at all.


2020 is going to be interesting and daunting, but I'm excited for it. I'm not going to promise X number of posts because, as I mentioned earlier, I am occupied with N number of things in my new business.

I'll still be around, writing when I'm hit by the motivational fairy. And who is aware of that? Maybe I could also rope on one or two regular contributors. Just time is going to show you, but I can guarantee I will not load your news feeds with junk just to meet my post quota.

I would like to finish this blog by thanking all of you who have taken the time to read this blog. There is more coming including some exciting new topics and events. Do email me about your thoughts. I sincerely hope that the content I created here, although by no means perfect, at least made you an ounce more motivated to participate in the year end celebrations.

Thanks, and have a wonderful New Year 2020 !


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